HQ's Comms Hub

HQ's Comms Hub

New and Focused Content from OACP

The Complexity of Police LeadershipThe Complexity of Police Leadership
The Complexity of Police Leadership

Yet leadership effectiveness is, simply put, about people understanding people. It is a skillset that can be learned, and that depends quite simply on leaders investing in themselves. With social-scientific discoveries, self-awareness, and powers of observation and communication, leaders can pull others together around a common goal. Among others, the below three skill sets help to get you there:

Jul 2, 2024 HQ's Comms Hub
The Leadership Imperative: Leader development in OntarioThe Leadership Imperative: Leader development in Ontario
The Leadership Imperative: Leader development in Ontario

Modern policing is complex. Whether mediating a dispute or managing a crisis, it’s a job that not only requires a deep understanding of the law and society, but also the ability to lead with confidence and compassion.

Jun 6, 2024 HQ Summer 2024
Countering Incivility, Harassment, and Discrimination in PolicingCountering Incivility, Harassment, and Discrimination in Policing
Countering Incivility, Harassment, and Discrimination in Policing

Creating a workplace environment that is inclusive, respectful, and free from harassment and discrimination is an ongoing priority for ontario police services. However, services face systemic challenges in their efforts to prevent these negative behaviours, effectively address them, and change their culture.

Jun 6, 2024 HQ Summer 2024
Inclusive Workplaces and Fairness in Community SafetyInclusive Workplaces and Fairness in Community Safety
Inclusive Workplaces and Fairness in Community Safety

Key lessons learned developing toronto’s equity strategy

Jun 6, 2024 HQ Summer 2024
Data and Analysis to Measure the Efficacy of Policing Programs Data and Analysis to Measure the Efficacy of Policing Programs
Data and Analysis to Measure the Efficacy of Policing Programs

Measurement beforehand, the identification and deployment of strategies, followed by measurement afterwards, are all necessary to determine if any given strategy is effective. This process also informs how strategies can be revised to achieve optimal outcomes. This describes an iterative process that results in the development and deployment of the most effective policies. This approach applies everywhere.

Jun 3, 2024 HQ's Comms Hub
The Challenges of Communication Under Crisis ConditionsThe Challenges of Communication Under Crisis Conditions
The Challenges of Communication Under Crisis Conditions

The problem of effective communication in complex organizations is even more difficult to solve under crisis conditions. In recent research, my colleagues and I have studied how firefighters from neighbouring departments work together under life-threatening conditions where the stakes on clear information-sharing are high.

Apr 30, 2024 HQ's Comms Hub
Forensic Evidence: Collection vs. Intelligence GatheringForensic Evidence: Collection vs. Intelligence Gathering
Forensic Evidence: Collection vs. Intelligence Gathering

It is a viciously cold night in february and homicide is called to attend a shooting in a sparsely populated area of your city. As your investigators approach the scene, they note several pieces of evidence that need to be collected before the forecasted heavy snow rolls in. Your forensics team is called in to attend and sends two officers to begin the documentation and collection of items that lay about the scene.

Jan 31, 2024 HQ Magazine Winter 2024
Harnessing Geographic Data TechnologyHarnessing Geographic Data Technology
Harnessing Geographic Data Technology

In an era flooded with data and technology, law enforcement finds itself grappling with a paradoxical issue: having too much information, yet not the right kind to empower officers on the ground. How do police organizations wade through large amounts of data and transform it into actionable insights for their frontline members? The answers lie within evidence-based policing, an approach that combines law enforcement with the precision of data analytics.

Jan 31, 2024 HQ Magazine Winter 2024

Under the leadership of Chief Jim MacSween, the executive leadership team at York Regional Police (YRP) established a mission to re-imagine leadership development within the organization. YRP knew that standardizing leadership principles and delivering them to all ranks of the organization would enrich the development of ethical and professional leaders.

Jan 31, 2024 HQ Magazine Winter 2024
The Tri-Party Responsibility in Employee WellnessThe Tri-Party Responsibility in Employee Wellness
The Tri-Party Responsibility in Employee Wellness

The conversation around employee wellness in policing is gaining increasing priority for all police personnel for many good and justifiable reasons. This conversation was exacerbated by a global pandemic where law enforcement professionals may have been disproportionately impacted by a variety of challenges, including vulnerable populations, anti-vax advocates and others whose mental health was significantly impacted by restrictions, lack of social and economic opportunities,

Jan 31, 2024 HQ Magazine Winter 2024
Behind Blue EyesBehind Blue Eyes
Behind Blue Eyes

Behind Blue Eyes: A Police Officers Resiliency Journal as a way to help myself, other police officers, and first responders heal. My journal is a tool and resource and was created because my 23-year-old self would have benefited from the wisdom, insights, and life experiences that I have now. I was not prepared for the death, trauma, and suffering that I would see in my career. Since I was not prepared for it, I didn’t know how to navigate it or to handle it effectively.

Dec 14, 2023 HQ's Comms Hub
Coming to Terms With NG911Coming to Terms With NG911
Coming to Terms With NG911

Originally set for a date in 2020 for both voice and data availability, the major telecom providers in Canada quickly began laboratory work to bring forth a Canadian version of the ever-improving i3 NENA standard. This standard was initially developed in 2007 and has received numerous improvements including multimedia and real time chat capabilities.

Oct 23, 2023 HQ's Comms Hub