FASD-Informed Training for Police OfficersBy Dr. Brenna Bonn MPS (Countering Crime), Waterloo Regional Police ServiceMore than 10 years ago, on behalf of the Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS), I assisted in the creation of the Reach For It! Program – a recreational program that partners police officers with youth who have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).Reach For It! has held more than 40 events geared towards promoting personal success for children with FASD. It’s easy to see firsthand the benefits of this program. Officers have consistently reported that they are able to learn more about the disorder, including how to better interact with individuals experiencing FASD and both the youth and officers experienced lasting change from their participation.My work with Reach For It!, coupled with my 31-year career in law enforcement and a desire to truly understand the connection between FASD and policing, led me to commit to years of research and the completion of a doctorate on countering crime. In particular, a focus was placed on justice-involved individuals with FASD and FASD professionals and their perspective when it came to police interactions during the arrest and the impact of FASD on these interactions.Some of the key findings of my research concluded that:
  • FASD is the leading cause of developmental disability in Canada. In fact, there are more individuals in Canada with FASD than Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, and Down Syndrome combined (CanFASD, 2020).
  • Individuals with FASD are 30 times more likely to come in contact with the criminal justice system (CJS) and police officers (McLachlan et al.,2019).
  • Police officers are likely to encounter individuals with FASD as victims, witnesses, and suspects/accused parties.
  • FASD is estimated to cost the Canadian criminal justice system $3.9 billion per year. Of this total, $1.2 billion dollars is attributed to policing costs (Flannigan et al., 2018).
  • It has been estimated that 10.1% of all criminal offenders have FASD, and this is a conservative estimate (Thanh & Jonnason, 2018).
  • It has also been found that in some custodial facilities in Northern Canada, 31% of offenders incarcerated have some degree of FASD (McLachlan et al., 2019). This demonstrates the overrepresentation of individuals with FASD held in custody and trapped in cycle of recidivism.
Understanding FASDFASD is an understudied area of the justice system but, through this research, it is obvious that training is required to address a critical lack of education on FASD within policing.
WRPS now offers training to its members to provide a deeper understanding of what FASD is, how to better identify symptoms, how to identify context behaviours that may be misconstrued as uncooperative, and how to be aware of the dangers of confabulations and false confessions.
The training recommends that police officers should understand that FASD may result in adverse outcomes such as homelessness, addiction, human trafficking, and unemployment. It is a challenge to recognize FASD in isolation, but training police officers provides them with the capability to recognize developmental disabilities and make proper FASD-informed referrals. Mental health apprehensions and mental health supports are not always appropriate for individuals with FASD, even though 90% of those living with FASD live with secondary mental health diagnoses.
During police interactions, a nervous response may be triggered that may result in confabulation, storytelling, false confession, and false identification. Individuals with FASD are eager to please police officers and they may falsely confess to a crime or add details to supplement gaps in knowledge. Police officers should be aware of this when dealing with individuals with FASD.
Individuals with FASD also may experience sensory challenges and over-feel or demonstrate inappropriate emotions. Movement may also be triggering as a sensory challenge and sudden movement may precipitate an unexpected response resulting in an escalation of the situation.
The training was not created to identify every offender with FASD, but to provide general recommendations when interacting with individuals, regardless of disability, on a situational basis. Police officers should consider diversion and alternatives to custody with a focus on repetitive calls for service involving individuals and addresses and consideration for referral to community supports. The ability to divert individuals away from the criminal justice system and into supportive community programs offers financial savings that may ripple throughout all levels of the justice system beyond policing.
While this research was undertaken to examine the impact of FASD on police interactions, there is transferability of the training to the current opioid poisoning crisis. Distinctive physical characteristics were identified in infants born to mothers who consumed alcohol while pregnant. Similar physical irregularities have been identified in infants born to mothers who used Fentanyl while pregnant. In the future, police officers will interact with individuals impacted by fentanyl in utero and the training is applicable to both behavioural impacts of FASD and fentanyl.
The creation of a standardized training and education campaign will provide the opportunity to personalize and increase police-community relations for municipal, tribal, provincial, and federal police Services. While there is the potential to decrease service costs, the value to human equity is immeasurable.
Brenna Bonn has been a member of the Waterloo Regional Police Service for 31 years. She is currently the Superintendent of Operational Support. She has a Master’s in Public Safety from Laurier and my Doctorate in Social Sciences from Royal Roads University.

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